Reaching for Zero
June 20, 2018 8:00am-5:30pm
Reaching for Zero is a summit promoting widespread adoption of net zero energy building design and construction. The Southwest Michigan Sustainable Business Forum and U.S. Green Building Council West Michigan Chapter invite change makers of all disciplines to attend this one-day event at Western Michigan University’s Fetzer Center.
Reaching for Zero will feature headliner Matt Grocoff, principal of Ann Arbor based THRIVE Collective. Concurrent sessions will cover topics related to on-site renewable energy, net-zero building design, regulatory frameworks, certification paths, local case studies, and more.
Summit includes continental breakfast, lunch, and networking reception. Register here.
Past Events
GR2030 Zero Net Energy Series: Harnessing Building Controls
The second session in the ZNE series took place on March 13th, 2018. During this session we heard from a panel of experts on how and why managing existing systems is sometimes smarter than replacing them.
Watch the video here.
GR2030 Zero Net Energy Series: Navigating Building Audits
On February 20th we launched our Zero Net Energy Series with our Navigating Building Audits workshop. We heard from a panel of experts from E3M Solutions, FTC&H, and TowerPinkster.
Check out our blog highlighting the event here.
Zero Net Energy Workshop
Sponsored by Consumer’s Energy
The first ever Zero Net Energy Workshop sponsored by Consumer’s Energy and dedicated to net zero design and implementation successfully took place on Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 at the Grand Rapids Art Museum.
We learned about Consumers Energy’s Zero Net Energy pilot program, tips and tricks on how to start a ZNE project, as well as local ZNE projects and their features. For details on this ZNE Workshop please check out our blog.